Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grandpa and his new pacemaker.

We have been so worried about grandpa Jim and his passing out spells. Every few days he would just unexplicably pass out. Luckily, all but one time he was sitting down. The one time he wasn't he hit his head and hurt his knee falling. Not good. This has been going on since about May, and has had everyone, even the Doctors a little perplexed. Finally last week the Cardiologist put a heart moniter on him to wear around for seven days to try and see what happens during these "episodes". When they took the equipment back on Friday and the Dr. looked at it he became concerned because the monitor showed his heart was stopping when he passed out. The Doctor said he needed a pacemaker and admitted him right then, worried that one time his heart wouldn't start back up. Saturday he got his pacemaker and today he came home from the hospital good as new. Well almost:). It was all very routine, which seemed strange to me. The things they can do now days! The Dr. said their should be no more passing out. Everyone is very relieved and happy about this. (Especially grandma because the Dr. said he can drive now!) They are still going to do some checking on his heart, but we are all relieved that the doctors finally seem to be on the right track. The not knowing is tough. We love you Dad, and grandpa, and are so happy you are feeling better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad everything went o.k. The passing out spells sound really scary. It is always nice when your parents are healthy. We all rely so much on them, when they get sick or feel under the weather it is really tough.